Dec 13, 2011


It's Update Time {!!!}

Hey friends!

My apologies for being the worst blogger ever. As you can see, I've been as busy as ever taking lots of photos for family and friends (who isn't family or a friend, after you spend so much time taking their pictures and editing them, right?) and have resolved that my New Year's Resolution will be to post pictures after I have finished editing them, instead of two huge posts twice a year :)

More apologies are due as to the design and construction of the website here. I'm revamping things a bit, and have been meaning to for awhile. I had a new business name and everything, but eventually decided to reveal that later, after I have the new blog all set up. As for right now, excuse the giant pictures that run into and off of the center and right and left columns. Very soon that will be a thing of the past :)

One three more sessions to finish this year! Wish me luck!!!

Alicia Bridal Session {October 2011}

Little Friends {October 2011}

Someday time will slow down and I'll be able to finish editing the pictures from this shoot. Tessa and her little friend Olivia. Two of the cutest babies I have ever seen. And you've ever seen too, I'll bet. Not that I'm biased ;)

Dallin & Alicia Engagement Session {September 2011}